Foster a thriving data-driven culture with Positive Impact Score

Foster a thriving data-driven culture with Positive Impact Score
Photo by Antonio Janeski / Unsplash

What makes a top performer? Is it

  • ...their technical skills?
  • ...their teamwork?
  • ...their impact in the team's culture?

All of them!

In positive work environments, talent is as valuable as good collaboration; and feedback is just as important as praising others for their impact.

That's why, we're introducing a way to measure, not only skills & competences, but also the time spent building relationships and a great work environment.

Positive Impact Ranking - a way to measure a teammate's influence beyond skills and performance

This is how it works:

On top of inlab's task system, we've carefully selected a set of interactions, that are proven to develop a positive culture:

Then, we've assigned points for every action completed.

After that, we decided to spice things up a little.

So, we tapped on team's growth desire, by adding competition: not to find out who performs the best, but to find out who performs the longest.

Every week, team members will be able to perform a limited amount of tasks to obtain Positive Impact points.  The ones that stay focused and contribute every week, are rewarded with a spot among the top.

This score will be part of our insights report for managers, for decision making; so they can promote people that's showning great performance, but also have a positive impact in the culture and their teammates.